Parent Information
Road Closure Scheme – Starting Monday 29th May 2023
Fraserburgh South Park Primary School and Nursery are currently piloting a part time road closure scheme.
The following roads will be closed between 8:15am to 9:15am and 2.30pm to 3.30pm during term time Monday to Friday:
38 – 68 Philorth Avenue (from Provost Milne Drive to Mormond Avenue)
St Modans Place
Nursery and P1 Induction Information August 2024/25

Primary 1

Curriculum Design and Rationale
Our Curriculum Design (updated November 2022 – please share you comments, queries, suggestions etc)
School Improvement Plan and Standards and Quality Report

Our Action Plan
Session 2024/25

Standards and Quality Report & Development Plan
2023/24 Standards and Quality Report
2024/25 Action Plan (more detail)
Click here to read our school improvement blog which lets you know what we have been working on to improve South Park School.
Parent Support Leaflets
Click here for information on the various areas below. Each leaflet contains embedded hyperlinks to video clips , websites and a section with further information and resources.
How your behaviour shapes your family: learn about how powerful adult behaviour is in shaping children and the things you can do to be a positive influence.
How adults can support learning: find out what you can do to support and develop your child’s learning including good questions to ask, information on mediated learning and the zone of proximal development.
Relaxation and Mindfulness: understand why these approaches matter and realise how to feel calmer and approach life in a more relaxed manner.
Helping babies brain to grow: discover the five things which babies need in order to support their brain development and just how social babies are from birth.
Developing Self-regulation: the ability to monitor, control and manage our own behaviour is a strong predictor of academic success. Find out what you can do to help children with regulating their feelings and behaviours.
Understanding and responding to anger: we all get angry at times, learn more about what lies beneath anger and the strategies which are helpful.
Understanding and responding to anxiety: learn how anxiety affects our thinking and behaviours and what we can do to support children and young people as they deal with this challenging emotion.
Emotion Coaching: discover ways to help children understand their emotions and manage them more effectively.
Helping children develop a positive outlook: find out what leads to happiness, help develop positive mindset and an ability to bounce back (resilience).
Thinking Skills: learn about different thinking skills, discover helpful questions to ask children, and what you can do to encourage them to develop stronger cognition.
Sleep: understand why sleep matters, what helps to develop healthy sleep habits and the things to avoid.
Child Brain Development: find out about the remarkable way the brain grows in childhood and discover ways to support child development during this time
Adolescent Brain Development: discover the changes which take place within the teenage brain, tips for supporting and communicating with teens and ways to help them take care of their developing brains.
Growth Mindset: how we view our own intelligence shapes our learning and success, see how to foster a growth mindset and help children to flourish.
Loss/Bereavement: resources and links available within COVID-19 section of website please click here.
Wellbeing – Children: mental health and wellbeing has such an impact on our ability to function in our daily lives and it is important that we take time to nurture it. Find out what you can do to support positive wellbeing in children with this leaflet.
Wellbeing – Teenagers: parents/carers have a key role in supporting teens to understand how to make changes to help them feel more positive, find out about the NHS 5 ways model, tips for talking to teens about mental health, developing confidence, managing social media and worries.
Each child should have received their cashless catering account letter. Please set this up as soon as possible. Any remaining tickets can be returned to school and credited to your account. A guide is below on how to set up your account.
How to set up your cashless catering account
Please contact the school if you have any queries or require some help.
School Closure Information (School Closures)
Please click on the link below to find out if we are closed due to adverse weather. We will also update Facebook and the phone line 0870 054 4999 (School Pin 021780) to inform you of any changes.
Child Protection Information
If you ever have any concerns about a child or their wellbeing please report it immediately to the school. If it is outwith school hours please contact the Fraserburgh & Surrounding Area Children and Families Team Duty or Team Manager
14 Saltoun Square
AB43 9DA
Tel. 01467 537111
Online Safety Guidance for Parents