PTA and Parent Council
Parent Council – Everyone Welcome
Meetings are open to all parents and carers involved with South Park School. They are very informal and relaxed, anyone is always welcome to come along and share their views, or simply listen in. Dates are on the termly calendar which you can find on our website.
Parent Council Membership
Chairperson – Angeline Simpson
Secretary – Kirsty Walker
Treasurer – Tracey Webster
Members – Louise Tait, Barry Smith, Stacy Adams, Sasha Buchan, Kelly Thomson, Carol Irvine, Vanessa Stephen, Raquell Duthie, Kirsty Tait
Please speak to your year group representative with anything you wish to be discussed.
PTA - Everyone Welcome
The PTA focus on fundraising for the school and organising events for the pupils. They usually organise one fundraising event per term, run monthly tuck shops, termly discos and support the school in running fun weeks, health week, sports week etc. Many hands make light work! Please come along and support the PTA provide wonderful opportunities for our pupils.
PTA Members – Carol Irvine, Sarah-Jayne Mowatt, Brontey Sutherland, Jill Arkless, Hayley Sutherland, Vanessa Stephen, Jennifer Watt, Debbie Duthie, Louise Slessor, Amy-Jo Walker, Stacy Adams, Elaine Patterson and and Kelly Thomson